Saturday 11 July 2015

How to SEO your internal links

  • Internal links are any links within your website that take the user to another page within your website.
  • The text within the link is known as anchor text. For example <a href="myotherpage.html">This is the anchor text</a>

How & Why
  • Whenever possible make your link text (rather than a graphic) and make that text descriptive (see examples below).
  •  Where you have no choice but to use 'click here' or 'see more' consider changing them into graphics so their text is ignored and then use the title tag within the link code to be descriptive.

  •             If you are linking to a page about 'bicycle wheels' use 'bicycle wheels' as the text of the link, not (for example), 'click here'.
  •       If you look in the box below I have not used click here as the link, instead I've used the title of the page I'm linking to.

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