For those who deal with SEO and blogging, Google panda and Google penguin
should not be something new to them. Ever since these updates were introduced,
there has been strong buzz on how to develop the perfect search engine
optimization plan, so that websites have their dues in rankings. Moving
forward, here is a close take Panda and penguin, the two most discussed Google
updates, and the difference between the two.
What is Google Panda
Google launched Panda in February 2011, mainly as a change in its search
results ranking algorithm. The main purpose of the update was just to keep
those low quality and low content sites away from the top ranking results and
give the actual quality sites their due.
As an obvious result, many websites with huge amount of advertising, or
those with low quality content, saw a huge decline in the rankings. Ever since
Panda was launched, there have been many updates to it ranging to over 22 in
What is Google Penguin
Another algorithm update from Google that gave SEO experts another blow was
Penguin that was launched in April 2012. The idea underlying the update was
simple enough- penalize and decrease the rankings of sites that breach Google’s
Webmaster Guidelines set the by the search engine.
This included lowering the search engine rankings of all those sites that
practice black-hat SEO techniques like duplicate content, keyword stuffing and
cloaking to name a few.
Attributes |
Google Panda |
Google Penguin |
The Idea
Penalize websites of low quality and those with low quality
content.It is first introduced in 24th February, 2011 with the
name of Farmer Update in USA.
Bring down websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and
use black-hat SEO techniques
Date of
First update
February 2011
April 2012
Also Known
Farmer Update
Over Optimization Penalty.
Number of
Panda had over 24
updates till March 2013, last being on Jan 22, 2013.
Penguin had just three updates since its launch in April last year.
Bring the high quality and content sites on the top of search engine
Bring the high quality and content sites on the top of search engine
the algorithm change
released any tool to recover ?
Google introduced A new tool called “disavow links tool”
choices for websites
Panda is basically an on-page problem, so the main changes need to be
on the website. Check for pages with no or little content, as well as, for
plagiarism. Creating elaborative pages with FAQs and more for a website
should help.
Check for the links to find if there are from the same domain name or
IP address, so that links don’t look like purchased. The links should not
just be direct links to the website, because websites that have followed such
polices have seen dip in the rankings.
Disavow tool can be helpful in getting rid of too many links that are just
associated with the keywords.Penguin genuinely focuses on penalizing unnatural links that are causing changes in the search results intentionally. |
How do The
algorithms affect a site?
It is possible that an entire site is affected through panda.
Usually single pages of a website are not targeted in the algorithm.
Panda doesn’t look for think contents but the overall content, so in
websites where little original content and more duplicate or thin contents
are present, those are likely to be fully penalized. |
Penguin generally affects one part of the website on a page and
keyword level.
Unless spammed for too much keyword usage on the entire, Penguin doesn’t
damage the entire site. |
Does a
recovery request help?
No, because the changes are overall.
No, unless a manual warning is issued, and even in such
warnings, recovering is next to impossible.
Does manual
removal of links needed?
No, because content is more important here.
If time permits and one wants to avoid relying totally on
Disavow tool, then definitely manual link removal is helpful.
By when
sites can recover?
If the duplicate and thin content has been done away with, then
probably by the next refresh.
Should take time in recovering as refreshing is not frequent. Google
has announced an update but with no date specified.
When is the
next update ?
No idea
4th penguin update going to happen soon in the month of May,
2013. source : Matt Cutts Twitter
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