Monday, 30 March 2015

Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin

For those who deal with SEO and blogging, Google panda and Google penguin should not be something new to them. Ever since these updates were introduced, there has been strong buzz on how to develop the perfect search engine optimization plan, so that websites have their dues in rankings. Moving forward, here is a close take Panda and penguin, the two most discussed Google updates, and the difference between the two.

What is Google Panda

Google launched Panda in February 2011, mainly as a change in its search results ranking algorithm. The main purpose of the update was just to keep those low quality and low content sites away from the top ranking results and give the actual quality sites their due.

As an obvious result, many websites with huge amount of advertising, or those with low quality content, saw a huge decline in the rankings. Ever since Panda was launched, there have been many updates to it ranging to over 22 in total.

What is Google Penguin

Another algorithm update from Google that gave SEO experts another blow was Penguin that was launched in April 2012. The idea underlying the update was simple enough- penalize and decrease the rankings of sites that breach Google’s Webmaster Guidelines set the by the search engine.

This included lowering the search engine rankings of all those sites that practice black-hat SEO techniques like duplicate content, keyword stuffing and cloaking to name a few.


Google Panda

Google Penguin

The Idea
Penalize websites of low quality and those with low quality content.It is first introduced in 24th February, 2011 with the name of Farmer Update in USA.
Bring down websites that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and use  black-hat SEO techniques
Date of First update
February 2011
April 2012
Also Known as
Farmer Update
Over Optimization Penalty.
Number of updates
Panda had over 24 updates till March 2013, last being on Jan 22, 2013.
Penguin had just three updates since its launch in April last year.
Bring the high quality and content sites on the top of search engine rankings
Bring the high quality and content sites on the top of search engine rankings
Surviving the algorithm change
  • There are no two ways about surviving Panda than to make an update in the website and get rid of all those low quality pages, content and keywords.
  • Over-optimized pages need to be checked.
  • Websites that have been hit by Panda need to work on brand awareness and social media networks in a new campaign.
  • The webpage(s) that have been affected need to be isolated from those that weren’t harmed.
  • Black hat SEO techniques need to be abolished because Penguin is smart enough to deal with all websites indulging in these practices.
  • Avoid excessive link building, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, and meaningless and irrelevant content.
  • Creating content for other blogs and websites and socializing content.
  • Relevant use of keywords and absolute refrain from all kinds of stuffing.
Google released any tool to recover ?
 Google introduced A new tool called “disavow links tool”
Recovery choices for websites
Panda is basically an on-page problem, so the main changes need to be on the website. Check for pages with no or little content, as well as, for plagiarism. Creating elaborative pages with FAQs and more for a website should help.
Check for the links to find if there are from the same domain name or IP address, so that links don’t look like purchased. The links should not just be direct links to the website, because websites that have followed such polices have seen dip in the rankings.
Disavow tool can be helpful in getting rid of too many links that are just associated with the keywords.
Penguin genuinely focuses on penalizing unnatural links that are causing changes in the search results intentionally.
How do The algorithms affect a site?
 It is possible that an entire site is affected through panda. Usually single pages of a website are not targeted in the algorithm.
Panda doesn’t look for think contents but the overall content, so in websites where little original content and more duplicate or thin contents are present, those are likely to be fully penalized.
 Penguin generally affects one part of the website on a page and keyword level.
Unless spammed for too much keyword usage on the entire, Penguin doesn’t damage the entire site.
 Does a recovery request help?
  No, because the changes are overall.
  No, unless a manual warning is issued, and even in such warnings, recovering is next to impossible.
Does manual removal of links needed?
 No, because content is more important here.
 If time permits and one wants to avoid relying totally on Disavow tool, then definitely manual link removal is helpful.
By when sites can recover?
If the duplicate and thin content has been done away with, then probably by the next refresh.
Should take time in recovering as refreshing is not frequent. Google has announced an update but with no date specified.
When is the next update ?
  No idea
 4th penguin update going to happen soon in the month of May, 2013. source : Matt Cutts Twitter

SEO - Optimized Keywords

A keyword is a term that is used to match with the query a person enters into a search engine to find specific information. Most people enter search phrases that consist of two to five words. Such phrases may be called search phrases, keyword phrases, query phrases, or just keywords. Good keyword phrases are specific and descriptive.
The following concepts related to keywords, help in optimizing the keywords on a web page.

Keyword Frequency

This is calculated as how often does a keyword appear in a website title or description. You do not want to go overboard with frequency, however, since on some engines if you repeat a word too many times, you are be penalized for "spamming" or keyword stuffing.
In general though, repeat your keyword in the document as many times as you can get away with, and up to 3-7 times in your list of metatags.

Keyword Weight

It refers to the number of keywords appearing on your web page compared to the total number of words appearing on that same page. Some search engines consider this while determining the rank of your website for a particular keyword search.
One technique that often works well is to create some smaller pages, generally just a paragraph long that emphasizes a particular keyword. By keeping the overall number of words to a minimum, you can increase the "weight" of the keyword you are emphasizing.

Keyword Proximity

It refers to the placement of keywords on a web page in relation to each other or, in some cases, in relation to other words with a similar meaning as the queried keyword.
For search engines, that grade a keyword match by keyword proximity, the connected phrase home loans will outrank a citation that mentions home mortgage loans assuming that you are searching only for the phrase "home loans".

Keyword Prominence

It is a measure of how early or high up on a page, the keywords are found. Having keywords in the first heading and in the first paragraph (first 20 words or so) on a page are best.

Keyword Placement

Where your keywords are placed on a page is very important. For example, in most engines, placing the keywords in the Title of the page, or in the Heading tags will give it more relevancy. On some engines, placing keywords in the link text, the part that is underlined on the screen in a browser, can add more relevancy to those words.

Best Places to Put Keywords

Here is a list of places where you should try to use your main keywords.
  • Keywords in the <title> tag(s).
  • Keywords in the <meta name="description">.
  • Keywords in the <meta name="keyword">.
  • Keywords in <h1> or other headline tags.
  • Keywords in the <a href="">keywords</a> link tags.
  • Keywords in the body copy.
  • Keywords in alt tags.
  • Keywords in <!-- insert comments here> comments tags.
  • Keywords in the URL or website address.

Finding Keywords

There are many different ways to find keywords for your website. Some good keyword ideas are: 

  • The potential words, people would use to find your product or service.
  • The problems that your prospective customers may try to solve with your product or service.
  • Keyword tags on competitor's websites.
  • Visible page copy on competitor's websites.
  • Related search suggestions on top search engines.
  • Using an online tool such as Google Keyword Tool
  • By analyzing your website carefully and finding out proper keywords. This task can be done by expert SEO copywriters.
  • Pay attention to stemming for your keywords - particularly to what the root word is and what Google considers to be a match for that word, when optimizing pages over time.
  • You can do brainstorming to identify correct keywords for your site.